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Applying team must complete FULLY the Team Registration Form. A copy must be forwarded to the AFL President no later than November for the following season. Applying team must provide a list of proposed players for the new team. This list must include a MINIMUM of thirty (30) prospective players, including the following information:


  • Full Names

  • Age

  • Contact Information (Phone & E-Mail)


Applying team must supply the following information on proposed uniforms:


  • Proposed Logo

  • Proposed Home Jersey Color

  • Proposed Road Jersey Color

  • Proposed Game Pants Style & Color


Applying team must present a detailed budget & proposed business plan. This must include:


  • A complete breakdown of anticipated costs for the season.

  • A complete breakdown of anticipated revenues (including proposed player fees, fundraising activities & sponsorship)

  • New team registration fee is successful is $2500


Applying team must provide a complete breakdown, including contact information, of your organization. This must include:


  • Team Executive

  • Coaching Staff

  • Medical Support Staff

  • Volunteers

  • Statistician


Applying team must supply a list of any potential corporate or private sponsors. A letter (on company letterhead) must accompany each name, outlining the services or support a company will provide to the team.


As per the AFL By-Laws, the applying team must provide information on the following:


  • Field location & facilities available

  • Location of nearest Emergency Medical Center from this field

  • Certification of any Medical Support Staff associated with the team


Applying team must provide a complete listing of all local media outlets, including contact names & information for all proposed contacts


Applying team must provide the following information regarding officials:


  • Number & Certification Levels

  • Officials Association Contact Information

  • Letter of confirmation that the correct number of qualified officials will be available for home as per the AFL Bylaws & Canadian Amateur Football




Team must present all of the above information to the AFL Council at the AFL AGM. This presentation may include any other information you feel may be helpful in “selling” your team to the AFL. The team presentation should last no longer than fifteen (15) minutes. Printed material & visual aids are acceptable. The team must provide a minimum of eleven (11) copies of all printed material. After all expansion teams have made their presentations, the AFL Council will discuss & conduct a vote in private. A 2/3 vote is required in order to be granted “conditional” approval to join the AFL. Final approval will be granted following a two (2) week period, during which the AFL Council will conduct a review of all information provided during the presentation. Applying team must be prepared to pay the AFL League Fee & the AFL Expansion Fee, as per the AFL By-Laws, upon conditional approval at the AGM.


Good Luck!



AFL and the AFL logo design are registered trademarks of the Alberta Football League.
The team names, logos, and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated.


© 2024 by Alberta Football League. Proudly managed by Hilda Siemens Photography & Marketing

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